X-Men Legends #7 by Larry Hama

X-Men Legends (2021-) #7X-Men Legends (2021-) #7 by Larry Hama
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a classic slice of old school Wolverine action, which is exactly what you’d expect from an X-Men Legends issue written by Larry Hama. Wolverine and Jubilee are on the trail of some missing young mutants, which brings them into conflict with Lady Deathstrike and the Hand…because of course it does.

Which is not a complaint, this is great stuff! It’s also well drawn by Billy Tan, although I would have preferred to see him inked by someone else, but it seems that it’s increasingly common to have pencillers ink themselves, or to just skip straight to colours, these days. I guess it saves time and money…

I’m still not sure that there’s really a point to this book, other than nostalgia, but it’s pretty enjoyable stuff.

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X-Men: Onslaught Revelation #1 by Simon Spurrier

X-Men: Onslaught Revelation #1X-Men: Onslaught Revelation #1 by Simon Spurrier
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So, apparently Way Of X was a five issue mini series. Who knew? Certainly not me. And this? This is essentially Way Of X #6, serving to do little more than wrap up the story begun in Way Of X. And, while there’s nothing wrong with that, it does feel a little disappointing, and a little rushed. Way Of X was superb, the best new X-book since the new line began, and now it’s over, and everything has been neatly wrapped up. Onslaught is defeated and Krakoa can move on like nothing ever happened.

This is disappointing because it felt like it was setting up what was wrong with Krakoa. It’s long been clear that something is rotten at the heart of Krakoa. Something, for example, is very wrong with Beast. But, I guess, with Inferno starting this week, things need to be wrapped up more quickly. And, well, that’s a shame, because I would much rather have had them take their time to explore this stuff.

Still, what’s done is done, and this is still great. I just wanted more.

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X-Men #3 by Gerry Duggan

X-Men #3X-Men #3 by Gerry Duggan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Pepe Larraz and Marte Gracia can make anything look epic, but Duggan hands them a script which is pretty epic anyways, so, you know, epicness abounds!

The High Evolutionary is a big bag of d***s, and the X-Men have no choice but to turn down his helpful offer to wipe out the human race for them. Which, you know, is probably for the best. It turns out the Rogue has beef with his daughter too, and it’s nice to see Rogue finally getting some attention after all this time. She never felt like a good fit in Excalibur and her presence makes a lot more sense here.

The art is really the main attraction here though, and Larraz and Garcia could make the opening of an envelope look cool.

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X-Corp #5 by Tini Howard

X-Corp #5 (X-Corp (2021-))X-Corp #5 (X-Corp by Tini Howard
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This is odd…I had no idea this series was ending and now it seems to have finished. Suddenly. Out of the blue.

I guess this was inevitable, the series got off to a bad start. The first few issues were dull and confusing, and an X-Men book that was more about corporate takeovers than superhero adventures was always going to be a tough sell. But cancelling it now really makes the whole thing feel pointless.

So, this comic is ok. The writing’s solid and the art is decent, but it’s not something I can recommend to anyone else because…well…it’s over already. Unless I’m wrong and it isn’t. But I do wonder if any of the plot threads in this comic will be picked up elsewhere.

Right now it feels like a lot of promising new X-books are fizzling out, and that’s a worrying trend.

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Marauders #24 by Gerry Duggan

Marauders #24Marauders #24 by Gerry Duggan
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Phil Noto art is always a win, and automatically elevates any comic it graces the pages of, and it’s no different here.

The actual story is an odd one, as an alien comes to Arrako/Mars, seeking vengeance on Emma Frost because she stole his spaceship. Ultimately, she offers to pay him off, but just when everyone thinks he’s happy to go on his way, there’s a twist in the tale…

It’s fun but relatively thin stuff, with the ultimate ramifications of the story likely to be more interesting than the story itself. But that art is really lovely.

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X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #2 by Leah Williams

X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #2X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #2 by Leah Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Confused? You will be. But that’s entirely the point this issue, as the plot doesn’t so much thicken as become elastic and twisted.

I said in my review of #1 that I don’t believe that Magneto killed Wanda and I don’t believe she’s actually dead. I’m still convinced of both of these things…and not because Wanda appears to be alive at the end of this issue, because I’m not convinced that’s Wanda at all. And, also, yes…despite Magneto’s confession of guilt, I don’t think he did it. There’s a lot going on in this issue that’s happening just to distract the Avengers from the truth. That truth may well be that Wanda’s body is missing and they don’t know why.

What’s also curious is the clear and growing rift between the Five and the Quiet Council. The Five clearly seem to be of the opinion that they and they alone should decide who and who doesn’t get to be resurrected, and they’re willing to defy the Quiet Council’s decision regarding that. We’ve seen that in the pages of New Mutants and we are, perhaps, also seeing that here.

Also, if that is Wanda at the end, and no someone else pretending to be her, might she have been resurrected using an older back up? Not only from before M-Day but before she split up with The Vision? Beast was recently musing about this is the pages of X-Force, that if he died his friends might choose to resurrect an earlier Beast, a happier Beast…a less dark Beast…

Excellently written and beautifully illustrated, this series continues to draw me in, and I’m really looking forward to seeing where it goes.

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X-Force #23 by Benjamin Percy

X-Force #23 (X-Force (2019-))X-Force #23 (X-Force by Benjamin Percy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Beast’s inexorably slide into moral ambiguity finds him, uh, with a tiny man inside him. And, as everyone knows, the solution to having one tiny man inside you, is to get your friend to put a tiny version of themselves inside you.

Also, Colossus’s brother, Mikhail Rasputin is up…to something. This is not unconnected to the tiny man inside Beast.

This is good stuff. Percy’s moving all the plot lines he’s had on the boil for a while forward, intertwining them and, it feels, things are finally coming to a head. I’m fascinated by Beast’s determination not to die because he fears that his friends will take the opportunity to bring him back as he used to be, rather than the self-confessed bastard that he’s become.

Things, I suspect, are not going to end well for Beast and we’ve had out first hints at how the character is likely to go through a reset…a decision which, I expect, will have its own moral repercussions.

The art is solid, the writing engaging, all in all this is another fine issue of X-Force.

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Excalibur #23 by Tini Howard

Excalibur (2019-) #23Excalibur (2019-) #23 by Tini Howard
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


Ya’ gotta love Doctor Doom, particularly when he shows up in comics that he doesn’t usually appear in. But there’s a perfectly good reason for Doom to be in this, as he’s basically Morgan Le Fay’s ex, and she’s the deposed ruler of Avalon, so Doom wants to go pick up his stuff from her castle. Unfortunately, for him, not only is the only way to Avalon through the gate on Excalibur’s island, the castle itself has gone missing. Which leads to some fun with Mad Jim Jaspers.

This is great stuff, full of treats for long time Excalibur and Captain Britain fans, and it’s all beautifully illustrated by Marcus To.

I’m really loving Excalibur at the moment and I’m really glad that Howard is choosing to explore more of this new, expanded Otherworld.

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Hellions #15 by Zeb Wells

Hellions #15 (Hellions (2020-))Hellions #15 (Hellions by Zeb Wells
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’m not the biggest fan of Tarn The Uncaring and his weird, uncanny grossness, but this is fun stuff.

Sinister’s plans and schemes are fast unravelling as the team finally learn that they’ve been manipulated and used and that Sinister’s secretly been using Arcade’s Murderworld as a cloning facility. Oh, and that he’s been holding Kwanon’s daughter hostage so that she’ll keep his secret.

We also learn that he’s created the first chimera, moving us one step closer to the future world of Powers of X. Although the chimera he’s created isn’t quite what you might be expecting…

Overall, this is a solid issue, and even if it didn’t quite blow me away, it still had some great moments.

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New Mutants #21 by Vita Ayala

New Mutants #21New Mutants #21 by Vita Ayala
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The kids fight Brood on the moon while the original team fight each other on Krakoa…sort of. I mean, they don’t come to blows, but they do deal with a lot of stuff that’s been brewing for a while.

Firstly, we finally confront the issue of resurrecting clones. Because, well, Gabby died, and nobody wants Gabby to be dead. But the problem is that Rahne killed her, and she’s quite understandably a bi annoyed about it. So we also confront the issue of the Shadow King’s increasing influence on the young mutants of the island…and also Rahne. It all feels very cathartic, and it was good to have the Five confirm that clones are individual, autonomous persons deserving of resurrection. But that still leaves the matter of Madelyn Pryor unresolved… (She’ll be back, we all know she’ll be back…I mean, the next big event is Inferno…)

The art is also simply outstanding. I love Rod Reis’s work and honestly feel that this is the best art New Mutants has seen since the days of Bill Sienkiewicz. I particularly love the way he makes Rahne look both like Rahne and Maisie Williams.

Seriously, though, I love this book, it’s brilliant, and I can’t wait for next month’s showdown with the Shadow King!

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